About the new Yahoo! Mail

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Yahoo Mail, which claims to be the leader in Web mail, with Gmail, the challenger Yahoo most fears. I simply need to change what inbox to use and bingo - my email conversations seemlessly follow me without me prompting others of some new email address.I've used Yahoo mail for a long time but I've found myself moving more and more to gmail. If Yahoo and so many others are so confident that this is better than Gmail, perhaps they'll finally introduce free forwarding and POP/IMAP access. But, let's not forget that it was Google (thru their Gmail) that pioneered the desktop-like behavior of webmail. Even if you’re a Google supporter, knowing that it has competitors standing up and challenging it to improve, should make you happy. Bing looks fresher and offers a more promising approach to searching for images. There’s more out there if you’re looking at the grand scheme of things, and it’s important to stay tuned in with what the other search engines have to offer. September 2014 Yahoo Bingo chose to stop using affiliates like ourselves to promote their brand. Bingo, or Yahoo Games as it is sometimes known, is powered by the G2 Gtech software and is part of the St Minver Network. The home page has a clean and fresh feel about it and unlike many brands online today, hasn’t gone for a ‘girlie’ colour scheme. The blues used on the landing page gives a uniform feel meaning the brand should appeal to both genders. Navigation is simple enough with the main pages listed in a menu to the left of your screen. Although part of a network there appear to be no issues with registration even if your email address has been used at another site on the St Minver network. As soon as you have completed your registration you have to choose a name to be known by in the chat room before you can enter the site properly. The reason it is not listed (at the time of the review being written) is that currently there are only a selection of games available on a daily basis. One of the features that we love about the G2 Gtech software is the “Balls to Bingo” details above chat. Here you can see who has how many numbers yourself and other players require to win the game. When down to 1tg the number required is also shown. Your bingo cards are to the right of your screen with the call board above the game. Ticket purchasing options are simple to use with a quick buy option, a +/- clickable option and of course, clicking the tickets you wish to purchase. That's either a gross oversight or they did it on purpose to force people to go with the new themes.

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