Dice roll simulator

random dice roller d20


There are also non-cubical dice with a different number of faces, such as tetrahedrons (four faces), octahedrons (eight faces) or dodecahedrons (twelce faces). Non-cubical dice are often used in role playing games. The results will be mailed to one to five email addresses. To use, fill in the form with the appropriate information and hit the Submit button. It supports many kinds of dice and should handle rolls for most RPG or PBM games, or fantasy leagues. Python 2.7 and as an exercise I'm writing a combat module for a text-based RPG. It uses the old school dice roll method to determine outcomes and effects. A roll determines a hit or miss. If a natural 20 is rolled, another roll determines if it was a critical hit. If critical hit = TRUE, another die is rolled to determined which body part is effected. It's supposed to be 1 for natural miss. I altered the code to increase the probability of a critical hit so I could test the final location-based hit output without having to run the script a hundred times. I'm all for giving it a shot but I don't even know where to begin or what purpose this would serve. That crappy little code I wrote took me about a week. I was just trying to get the basic combat mechanics down. I hadn't even begun to try to add the character / enemy aspect yet. You have given me a lot to think about and a great starting point.

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