Rummy Nose Tetra

rummy nose tetra lifespan


The Rummy Nose Tetra is a popular choice for live plant keepers and Discus fish keepers. The rummy nose tetra is very peaceful and can make excellent community tank mates if housed with similar sized and non-aggressive species. Nose (Petitella georgiae). The H. rhodostomus and P. georgiae grow to about 3 inches (8 cm) whereas the H. bleheri only reaches about 2 inches (5 cm). The H. bleheri will also have more red coloration on the head and appear skinnier than the other species. Firehead Tetra or Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetra. Its other names are the Rednose Tetra and Blehers Rummy Nose Tetra.A school of Rummy-nose Tetras will thrive in a well-established, well-planted aquarium. This fish will generally reach about 1.75 inches (4.5 cm) in length and has a lifespan of about 5 years. It is robust if kept in very precise conditions but highly sensitive to water pollution and, by extension, susceptible to ich. It is unwise to introduce Rummy Nose Tetras into a new system as they will not do well with unstable water conditions. Make sure to have a testing kit on hand. Aquariums are closed systems, and regardless of size, all need some maintenance. Over time, decomposing organic matter, nitrates, and phosphate build up and water hardness increases due to evaporation. To combat these ever-changing conditions, water should be replaced on a regular basis, especially if the tank is densely stocked. They are more difficult to keep than many other tetras, and water conditions should be soft and acidic for them to thrive. Peat filtration is advisable. They need a high quality filter to keep the water level stable. These fish will also appreciate an undergravel filter to help keep the tank oxygenated and to filter waste that makes it to the substrate between cleanings. A biotope tank is best. Using a substrate of river sand with a handful of dried leaves will give the tank a natural feel. Make sure to remove and replace the dried leaves every few weeks. These tetras will do better and look best when kept in a group of 7 to 10 fish. They look great in a planted aquarium with some free space for swimming. The Rummy-nose does not do well with overly boisterious fish. Good tankmates are smaller rasboras, peaceful barbs, some peaceful dwarf ciclids, peaceful bottom feeders, and discus. To breed them, the water must be soft and slightly acidic. These are "blackwater" fish, so peat filtration is suggested for breeding. They will spawn on the bottom of the aquarium or on pinnate leaves of plants. The classical Hemigrammus rhodostomus actially is a rummy-nose tetra. Brilliant Rummy-Nose Hemigrammus bleheri was discovered later and it inhabits in other parts of Brazil. And one more fish – Petitella georgiae or False Rummy-nose, which inhabits in water with higher hardness level. South America. The fish comes from the river Rio-Vaupes, Columbia and the Rio Negro river in Brazil. Also inhabits in the Amazon river tributaries. The fish’s flesh fin and fluke are whitish, when the other fins are completely transparent. There are three wide black stripes on fluke, they go between four more thin white stripes. There are three black elongated spots on the fish’s tail-stem. The most significant feature of tetras is their bright-red spot on the head, due to which the fish got its name – rummynose. The tank lights should be dim, because in the wild Hemigrammus rhodostomus lives in the areas with a lot of trees and leaves above the water surface. The fishes show the best of their coloring and activity in the water with parameters close to the ones they have in the wild. This is soft and acidic water typical for rain forests – blackwater. The fish may die because of this. Of course, rummy nose mustn’t be kept in one tank with large and predatory fishes. The fishes that are about to breed are usually put apart before spawning. At first male actively haunts the female. She goes to the water surface and it seems that she stops vertically under a tank plant leaf. At that the male comes close to her and bends and turns the female. When they part about 6-7 large transparent eggs fall on the tank plants and bottom. The number of eggs depends on how strongly the male turns the female. Rummy Nose Tetra lays eggs attached to fine leaved plants; Java Moss is one suitable plant. The fish may only lay a few eggs at a time, and often lays at night. This can be supplemented with fry food of the finest types. Rummynose Tetra is sensitive to temperature fluctuations as well as Ph, so keep this in mind when performing water changes. You can tell its disposition based on the red in its nose, as the darker and more pronounced the red, the better the fish is doing physically. The body is generally silver in color with a black and white caudal fin. The head of the fish is a ruby red, hence the name Rummynose. The fish is found in Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. It resides primarily in calm waters that are heavily vegetated. It requires a minimum 15 gallon aquarium with plenty of live plants that resemble their natural environment. Europe and Southeast Asia. Rummynose Tetras have been known to spawn in aquariums that have Java moss located on the bottom of the aquarium. The ideal water temperature is 78 degrees Farenheit. After the spawn, the parents should be removed. The baby fish become free swimming in four days, which you can then feed them infusoria or baby brine shrimp. I-5 Publishing, LLC, Animal Network nor any of its employees. We are not responsible for the content of these posts and threads. Amazon Basin, particularly towards the south and the Orinoco River. Often, they live in blackwater environments, like the neon and cardinal tetra. These habitats have very acidic, pure water with lots of decaying foliage and wood that leaches tannins into the water. Fahrenheit, and some supplies to make sure the tank is in good shape. They will not get any bigger than 2 inches and they come in many different hybrid species, such as the long fin version.

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