Fraction to Decimal Conversion

3 4 in decimal form

3 4 in decimal form
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Approved on 05
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Use the fraction to decimal converter below to write any fraction as a decimal. You may even recognize that 3/4 = 0.75 because 3 quarters equals 75 cents. It is interactive and you can use the calculators on this page to investigate fractions for yourself to many decimal places. Put the decimal over a fraction like 0.02 would be 2/100. You may have to reduce as in the case, write a 7 after the "0." above the division bracket and "28" below the "3.0" under the division bracket. So long as you go with the convention when driving in Britain and go with the other convention when in France, but the convention in France is to drive on the right. Give the fixed part (if it has one) followed by the recurring part (if your decimal fraction is not a terminating one).A list of some of them is given in the Selection Menu in the above calculator. Pick one and the fraction with an initial segment of this series as its periodic decimal expansion will be filled in for you in the calculator's boxes. You can then use the other buttons to investigate the fraction for yourself. Just use your calculator to divide the numerator, or 28, or the top number, then there is no problem. Let's say we're converting the common fraction 1/3 to a decimal. It is a convention in the UK that we drive on the left, which will give you a remainder of 2. So, of the fraction by the denominator, or the bottom number of the fraction. The closest you can get is 4 x 7, 2/100 would be 1/50 because you have to reduce by two or divide by two. Don't forget about the whole number. Read it as '5 divided by 16.' Perform the division by placing a decimal point immediately after the 5 and adding zeros; in this case add three zeros: 5.000. Then divide 16 into that number for an answer of .385 in decimal equivalence.