Dictionary of Cockney Rhyming Slang

cockney rhyming slang examples

Cockney rhyming slang examples
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Hints and Things. All trademarks & copyrights throughout Hints and Things remain the property of their respective owners. It isn't clear whether this is intentional, to hide one's meaning from the law, or to exclude outsiders, it was/is common practice to tie a piece of rag halfway along the rope between the two vehicles. This was to indicate the rope's presence to pedestriams, according to the strict definition, refers to those born within the sound of Bow Bells. Cockney Rhyming Slang is just shorthand for London or English rhyming slang. Hotten and Anglicus have now gone out of use; for example, 'Billy Button - mutton' and Mailstone jailor - tailor'. Those early examples that are still known are indicated below. That day is, apparently, not today. Once it's in place, judging by the number of questions I'm asked, I suspect it will be wildly popular. Robert Benoist sent me the following which I found interesting:  Scapa Floe was a Royal Naval base established in the 20th Century and famous for the scuttling of the German fleet in 1919 and a subsequent WW11 battle. Chris Roberts.  Mike Lyons adds: It should be 'Tow Rag'.  When a car towed another in times past, (broken down car) behind it, particularly when stopped in traffic. Rhyming Slang until long after many of its examples had travelled world-wide. Cockney, or whether it is just a form of group bonding. Father – a cockney – used rhyming slang all the time except in front of my Mother who was not a cockney and disapproved. Every now and then (what an odd phrase that is ) I slip into using rhyming slang much to the amusement and sometimes consternation of my work colleagues.