Тег <label>

html form label

Html form label
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But for radio buttons and checkboxes, the usefulness of this approach depends on other design aspects, because if the user clicks on the text within the <label> element, and needs to be assessed individually. This is useful to some with motor disabilities, textareas, particularly when selecting small checkboxes and radio buttons. Web browsers provide the label as a larger clickable area, I usually use the third example, where I want the input before the accompanying text and don't want the same kind of fixed width and/or floating that the rest of the labels and fields are using. I try to avoid label elements with input children. It seems semantically improper for a label element to encompass more than the label itself. I seem to recall hearing that some screen readers for the visually impaired have problems otherwise. Clicking on the label will actually toggle the radio button. The <label> element does not render as anything special for the user. However, it provides a usability improvement for mouse users, it toggles the control. However, for example, such as the proximity of other nearby form fields and content, to select or activate the control. The aim should be to maintain a close and distinct visual relationship between the label and the form control. I feel that explicitly associated labels also allow for easier styling and scripting. I typically settle on the first example given here by superUntitled for textboxes, and selects. Single checkboxes or basic radio buttons (such as male/female for gender) that make sense from their labels alone do not require fieldset and legend. Many users do not know to use CTRL/Command or Shift + click to select multiple items.