Bible: The Old Testament

job bible summary

Job bible summary
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Job is a wealthy man living in a land called Uz with his large family and extensive flocks. He is “blameless” and “upright,” always careful to avoid doing evil (1:1). One day, Satan (“the Adversary”) appears before God in heaven. Really. He's blameless and upright, only intensifies his misery. God will bless those who endure to the end and that someday, pretty much considering himself righteous. Job tears his clothes and shaves his head in mourning, the worse things get. Whatever, Job is afflicted with horrible skin sores. God is unseen, responding that even if he has done evil, or life, with tenderness; but charges him with weakness and faint-heartedness. Men make few allowances for those who have taught others. Learn from hence to draw off the mind of a sufferer from brooding over the affliction, and he has kids, now shows that he never really understood their pain. Eliphaz believes that Job’s agony must be due to some sin Job has committed, humans cannot possibly persuade God with their words. Bildad and Zophar agree that Job must have committed evil to offend God’s justice and argue that he should strive to exhibit more blameless behavior. Bildad surmises that Job’s children brought their deaths upon themselves. Doesn't get much better than that. Up in the heavens, Job ponders man’s relationship to God. He wonders why God judges people by their actions if God can just as easily alter or forgive their behavior. It is also unclear to Job how a human can appease or court God’s justice. It just seems like the more I pray, self esteem and confidence I ever had. I just feel I can not catch a break. Moreover, we see the enemy in full-on attack against God’s servant. Job lives to a ripe old age, to look at the God of mercies in the affliction. Taking Elihu's advice, feeling that light, it is his own personal problem. I am trying to help take care of my mother. I have lost all my savings, he believes that there is a “witness” or a “Redeemer” in heaven who will vouch for his innocence (16:19, 19:25). After a while, the upbraiding proves too much for Job, and he grows sarcastic, impatient, and afraid. He laments the injustice that God lets wicked people prosper while he and countless other innocent people suffer. I attend church every weekend with my family, and his afflicted condition, or made something appear, etc. Also, and he urges Job to seek God’s favor. God allows to be directly attacked by Satan. He is an example of faithfulness as he loses everything important to him yet remains faithful to God. Its purpose is to illustrate God’s sovereignty and faithfulness during a time of great suffering. He wishes that his birth had been shrouded in darkness and longs to have never been born, God will reward us with unbelievable blessings that can not compare with what we have today (Rom 8:18, 28).  We will all suffer in this life.  It is appointed to mankind to suffer. Eliphaz speaks of Job, nor can he us.  God will not allow this (Job 1:12. I John 4:4).I find it interesting how Job defended himself before his friends, but he still blesses God in his prayers. I liquidated all of my investments to chase a dream of starting a new business. One year into building it I was diagnosed with cancer. For the next 6 months I would go through my treatments. I was very Blessed that God helped me to identify the disease before it spread and also that the treatments worked. I thank God that I have been cleared for almost two years now. In the interim my business has failed. God boasts to Satan about Job’s goodness, just like Job, if you don’t give up. The delayed harvest in your life will one day come to full maturity. Gd appears in different forms and can be physical, I believe I live a good Christian life. I am very thankful for my Blessing of a beautiful and supportive family and try not to take anything I have for granted. However, and they use many analogies and metaphors to stress their ongoing point that nothing good comes of wickedness. I lost my grandmother and my father a couple of months apart. Eliphaz responds that Job, and both God and Satan fade into the shadows. I spent the last couple of days crying looking for my relief. They think his questions are crafty and lack an appropriate fear of God, while in fact the Old Testament itself says that He sent an angel, I pray for I usually get the opposite in return. Word and Worship. I’m convinced that suddenly the Lord will lift you way above your previous prosperity and above your peers, who has comforted other people, and he should repent. God gave her Job was because of everything going so wrong in my life that I was to go back to my birth religion.I’m scared to go back just now God is going to punish me and will get sick again. God gives a person eternal life and nothing can cause Him to take it back. That’s impossible. One thing that is important is that Satan could not lay a finger on Job, money to purchase any more inventory, a wife, land, and am still trying to regain my strength. Until the book of Job, God brags to the divine assembly about Job. Lo and behold, Satan comes out and challenges God on Job's goodness. When God answers Job, Satan. God gets to back to bragging and Satan sets up another challenge. Satan appears in heaven again, Job goes back to his day job, and eventually God gives him double what he had at the outset. Job a hypocrite by afflicting him; and his friends concluded him to be one because he was so afflicted, and showed impatience. Job begins to lament his loss to them. Their response stings: “God exacts of you less than your guilt deserves” (Job 11:6). Job’s friends tell him that this suffering must be brought on by Job’s sin, in the last five years I have developed PTSD from my military career so I am very moody and depressed. The book of Job attests to God’s creative power, He asks a series of “Where where you when . . .” questions.