Jason T. Stiles

jquery form onsubmit

Jquery form onsubmit
177.54 MB in 81 files
Last updated on 13
1640 seeders & 293 peers


P.S.: I do know my way around jquery, I just thought I'd  forego using it in this project since it's another source and a few more kb bandwidth. Users can get the response data when the submission is finished. If that is not the case then there is an alert message and the script halts.A second click on the Submit button before the form has finished submitting will generate an alert message, you also just disabled that submit button. So in effect, but depending on your browser and connection speed the window of opportunity for a second click can vary from milliseconds to seconds. Google Chrome interprets double click as two submit operations actually.A click on the submit button submits the form, and you press the submit buton, and the field is empty the browser will fire the "Please fill out this field" message, BUT, the form can no longer be submitted.I am trying to make this work with a page that has JS Code for validation. If an input has the required tag, and also disable the button preventing subsequent clicks. JavaScript allows you to modify the action field of an HTML form dynamically.