Singapore own goal as anti-gambling advert backfires

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BBC has updated its cookie policy. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This includes cookies from third party social media websites if you visit a page which contains embedded content from social media. Such third party cookies may track your use of the BBC website. Internet age, goes viral. This will prove to the client that the content has a wide audience and its impact is even greater than expected. Instead of antagonising the Internet and its trolls, he embraced them for their efforts. For instance, stop running the ad immediately - it is not effective. While there is no time to make another one now, there could be a follow up video where Andy's dad didn't stop gambling and its consequences. In my humble opinion and 20/20 hindsight, future ads from the agency can do A/B testing - make two different ads to approach the problem from different angles. More often than not, ads explode online because of its negativity. Asia. Also, he is the Head of Public Relations at Sugar Ventures for up and coming startups like Kluje, Folr, Voicemail, and more. Specialising in creating meaningful and long-lasting conversations about game-changing businesses that go after grand ideas. Germany injected a sense of realism in our messaging, since no one will bet on a potentially losing team. At the end of the day, win or lose, the dangers of problem gambling, and the potential anxiety and pain that loved ones go through remain unchanged. Through this campaign, NCPG also intends to create awareness that help (24/7 helpline) is available to gamblers and their family members who are affected by problem gambling. Board acknowledged the written statements throughout the TVC, for example, "not a real betting agency" and the gambling statistics. Foundation rejects the Board's conclusions that, while the end of the TVC made it clear that kids and betting do not go together, there is not sufficient repetition of this message throughout the advertisement to make the point clear. Drive Bloody Idiot" style and frame" (at the end of the TVC).We await the outcome of the independent review of the Determination with interest. However, irrespective of the outcome of the independent review, this Determination illustrates when a disconnect exists between the advertiser's objectives and the effect of an advertisement. It is often a disconnect of this nature which may place the advertiser in breach of advertising regulation.

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