Feral Druid DPS Gear, Legendaries, and Best in Slot (Legion 7.0.3)

best in slot feral


Roar's pandemic threshold is a bit weird because of the specifics of the mechanic, but just keep in mind that when you're applying a 5 combo point roar you can refresh as soon as 12.6 seconds. You always want to cast it with 5 combo points and should aim to have its uptime as high as possible. Druids. It is updated for WoW 4.3. It first presents the best in slot items before listing, slot by slot, all the items, with a level higher than 346, that you can acquire in the game. We also explain how you will be competing for loot with other classes. I don't know about any good BoE ones, getting blooddrenched leggings from VP would be a good idea. Otherwise, just get something of AH with as much stam/armor/dodge(agi) as possible. But everything that is on the list should be in a bis pre raid gear build. You just have to fill out the empty ones, hit cap is either 5% or 8% I think. I healed in all raids ofc save aq40/naxx where I also did some offtanking, but with GOOD gear a feral can offtank almost any fight ingame. When my guild killed patchwerk on retail it was me and another druid soaking hatefuls since our armor was capped and also so much hp that it was no issue to keep us above other melee. For tanking you want either cryptfiend silk cloak, cloak of the golden hive or elementium threaded cloak. Many choices here for dps and pvp. Cloak of the fallen god, shroud of dominion, cloak of the scourge, cloak of concentrated hatred and zulian tigerhide cloak. Feral combat. This model tries to do as good a job as it can, but it always has limitations compared to real-game situations. However, experiments in changing the base attributes have shown that the effects are quite small and the relative order of the items is quite unchanged, except in the extremes. This emphasizes the value of Stamina as it makes you last longer. Some set bonuses (like the Malorne [Tier 4] 2-piece bonus) are very good and make those items significantly more valuable in practice than in the lists. If delaying the reapplication of the bleed causes the bleed to drop for more than a fraction of a second, then all the damage gained is lost and you would’ve been better off refreshing normally. Council-style fight, and HecticAddCleave (a SimulationCraft fight style similar to Horridon from Throne of Thunder).The best gear configuration depends heavily on the encounter you’re optimizing for and also what trinkets you are using. Patchwerk-style simulation with two different styles of comparisons intended to give you an idea of trinkets stack up to each other. The 2 trinket comparison is generally more accurate, so you should use it if the trinkets you’re comparing are on there, but it is much less inclusive because doing pairs for every trinket available would generate a truly ridiculous number of combinations. The single trinket comparison is less exact because it does not handle trinket (a)synergy at all so it should be used as fallback.

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