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come si dice che sfortuna in inglese


Condividi con noi le tue conoscenze suggerendo nuove parole, traduzioni o esempi in inglese al nostro dizionario inglese-italiano, diventa tu stesso un traduttore. Community di Houzz globale di raccontarci la verita sulle superstizioni popolari che ruotano attorno alla nostra vita domestica. Lion – uno dei principali produttori giapponesi di detergenti, saponi e articoli da toeletta – rivela che il 42% delle persone che hanno dichiarato di curare la pulizia del bagno afferma anche di essere fortunato dal punto di vista finanziario. Contro solo il 22% tra chi ammette di non mantenere il bagno perfettamente splendente. Singapore e Giappone, le persone piu anziane ritengono che non si dovrebbe dormire davanti a uno specchio. Quindi non sorprende che nel corso dei secoli si siano sviluppate molte credenze popolari attorno ai poteri misteriosi degli specchi.I russi condividono le stesse superstizioni sugli specchi, ma hanno anche un’altra abitudine bizzarra che li riguarda. Irish tennis teacher Chris (interpreted by the emerging Jonathan Rhys-Meyers) is taken on to give lessons to the same aged Tom (Matthew Goode), offspring of a rich upper middle class London family. He has a sister, Chloe (Emily Mortimer), who falls in love with Chris at first sight. City and the luxuriant surrounding countryside, if it weren’t for the fact that the protagonist isn’t really in love with Chloe, a slim naive brunette but only attracted to her affluence and economic stability. And so it happens that Chris is soon taken on in the family firm and reveals himself to be what he truly is: a social climber, too full of himself to feel real emotions. Between her and Chris, it’s love at first sight and Nola soon becomes Chris’ obsession. Nola is only the lover who, with the would-be champion, has in common the fact of not being a high-ranking Englishman and the fact that, just like he isn’t successful in tennis, she isn’t successful in cinema. It’s just that, on the contrary to Chris, she’s not enough of a social climber to keep a strong hold on someone who could have been an excellent match. Chloe’s undesired sterility, who, instead, would like to but can’t fall pregnant and, frustrated, says to her husband: “E’ che non abbiamo fortuna”(we haven’t been lucky yet).Things get complicated when Nola threatens Chris to tell his wife everything. Fearing in fact the loss of all he’s managed to obtain, our anti-hero doesn’t have any scruples in becoming a killer in order to protect his golden existence. And with the complicity of a capricious and indifferent destiny, the crime goes unpunished. I’m convinced now that this doesn’t exist. In the film they say that sometimes the innocent are slain to make way for a higher end, clearly I don’t agree, but in life there isn’t a real reason why certain things happen. This is obviously valid also in the Italian language, but only to a certain extent. So much so that the above mentioned lines sound a little out of place. The verb to love appears too strong and out of place in such a context, which simply expresses a desire on behalf of a person. Of course for the sinc it’s unthinkable to use such a long expression, but surely it would’ve been possible to find a solution in order to render the original “love me” idiomatical. In the same way the verb to hate used referring to the ballet is too strong. English dovere (must/have to) and potere (can) indicate respectively the obligation to do or not to do something and the capacity to do or not do something. In Italian it would correspond to a “Bisogna farlo” (you must do it), which can easily be rendered also with an imperative like “Fallo” (do it), which has the same strength as the English modal. We know in fact that in English the possessive article is used before the substantive noun to which it refers. Whereas in Italian the definite articles or indefinite articles are not necessarily used together with the possessive adjective. In Italian in fact one normally speaks of one’s abode as “casa” (home/house), whether its a flat/apartment, a villa or a small attic. London, which hasn’t made its roots yet here in Italy. Meanwhile the film has contributed to spreading the name creating an authentic neologism, and who knows if sooner or later a gastropub doesn’t open up in our cities. Londoner from a good family, a universally recognized characteristic of Woody Allen who couldn’t let slip such an opportunity. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, with his good-boy face which greatly contrasts with his character role as the unpunished Chris, and dubbed by Massimiliano Manfredi, who gives him a clear, clean tone, as if to underline the lucid madness which makes him a killer. Stagni with a low, raucous voice, perhaps a little too forced (after all in the film Nola, a rebellious actress in search of transgression, does smoke a lot, but only cigarettes), even though she fully renders the passion and the seductiveness of the character. There is a but: the orchestration of the dubbing is penalized by the dialogues stuffed with dubbing adaptations and grammatical inaccuracies which we have already amply discussed.

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