Como se dise chimuelo en ingles?

como se dice chimuelo en ingles


Berk with some elders to establish peaceful relations with Hiccup to bring RC. No one thought the warrior would accept the offer, but then Fred Kulson produced a silver-bladed dagger that had been a treasured possession of the Kulsons for years. The warrior accepted and the Roaming Chicken departed on his boat. The whole town was amazed that a "chicken" could be headed to a powerful village on a ship with a mighty warrior. This is how he earned the name,"Roaming Chicken".When they arrived, RC began looking for a trade he might be interested in learning. He was fascinated by the dragons and watched the Berk Academy train. To pay off his debt to Mr. Ack, he began farming and selling the produce to the students. His goal was to finish his schooling and return to his family. He felt very pressured and wanted to make his family proud. His family told him that they were glad and surprised that he was able to start school.

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