Guatemalan Slang Dictionary

como se dice transar acciones en ingles


Productos y Servicios para el registro de Marcas, que permite identificar la o las clases a la cual el solicitante requiere el registro. Valores S.A. ·:· Comisionistas de Bolsa- [ Translate this page ]Ex-dividend: Sin dividendos, ex dividendo. Valores S.A. ·:· Comisionistas de Bolsa- [ Translate this page ]Ex-dividend: Sin dividendos, ex dividendo. Ex-dividend date– On (or after) this date the security trades without its dividend. If you buy a dividend paying stock one day before the ex-dividend you will still get the dividend, but if you buy on the ex-dividend date, you won't get the dividend. Conversely, if you want to sell a stock and still receive a dividend that has been declared you need to sell on (or after) the ex-dividend day. The ex-date is the second business day before the date of record. Interested individuals must obtain copies of analysts’ reports direct from the broker as SM SAAM S.A. does not distribute these reports.

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