;@Daniel Craig

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M waxing nostalgic for the relative clarity of Anglo-Soviet tensions, the anxieties are much the same. Craig’s Bond has a disdain for politicians, but as an Establishment icon who’s sceptical of too much state control, he’s a deeply political figure. Casino Royale, which was set in Prague and shot on black-and-white film stock. Techniscope compositions of the gritty British spy films of the Sixties, like The Ipcress File and The Spy Who Came in from the Cold – films that pushed back against the globe-trotting gloss of the early Connery Bond pictures. Bond into a British Bruce Wayne. Over the course of the film, we discover he’s an orphan who comes from money and is driven into the shadows by his parents’ untimely death: he even gets a spooky mansion with its own built-in secret cave and avuncular manservant. All he can do is cast off one more time and hope to recapture the glories of the past. In so many words, that’s exactly what we hope for when we go to see a Bond movie. Bond. "Shame. We barely got to know each other." He pulls the trigger, but James has removed the ammunition from the weapon. I suppose that's something." Dryden continues to taunt Bond, asking him if he felt any remorse or guilt over killing Fisher. Bond remains passive, his face expressionless. The frame instantly shifts to the series' iconic "gun barrel" sequence. Vesper is kidnapped by Le Chiffre. Bond races after them in his Aston Martin, but has to swerve violently when he sees Vesper lying bound in the road. The car rolls several times, destroying it and injuring Bond, rendering him unconscious. Le Chiffre and his cronies take him, remove his homing implant and take him and Vesper to a nearby tramp steamer. Bond is stripped and bound to a chair with the seat removed, leaving his testicles exposed. Bond's scrotum, demanding the password for the account the winnings have been secured in. Bond refuses, despite Le Chiffre's threats to kill him and Vesper. Le Chiffre finally draws a knife and is about to castrate Bond when gunshots are heard outside. He talks to Mathis, whom he believes was responsible for his and Vesper's capture by Le Chiffre. MI6 agents appear, taze Mathis and drag him away. Vesper visits Bond and they confess their love for each other. Bond (Daniel Craig) thwarts a scheme of shady financier LeChiffre (Mads Mikkelsen). LeChiffre stages a high-stakes poker tournament in Montenegro, hoping to recoup his lost money, and M (Judi Dench) has Bond enter the game, intent on bankrupting his opponent. Bond goes off the map to harry the organisation of ‘banker to the world’s terrorists’ LeChiffre, with a beddable beach beauty along the way, and a thwarted attack on a super-sized jet aeroplane which could have been the climax of any other adventure. Neal Purvis and Robert Wade get Oscar-polishing assist from Paul Haggis. There are nods to tradition, with respectful Aston-Martin product placement, but also refreshing breaks from established practice. Bond with perpetually bruised knuckles and the beginnings of a drink problem too much of a stretch. But long-running series can only survive through constant renewal. Fleming’s James Bond’.Contrary to pre-release nay-sayers, Daniel Craig has done more with James Bond in one film than some previous stars have in multiple reprises. Daniel Craig depicted that change. With seemingly effortless ease, Craig depicted a Bond who had been stripped of all his ridiculous gadgets and had to rely on his own brain and brawn to overcome obstacles. Lynd, the Bond girl who was brilliantly depicted by Eva Green, played a role almost as crucial as Bond himself in the movie rather than being reduced to a damsel in distress whose job is to look pretty.

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