Flash Dice – Magically control six dice inside an opaque box

flash dice magic trick revealed


I’ve recently discovered the line of cool pocket-size magic tricks made by Tenyo, a Japanese company founded in 1960 that has gained a cult following among amatuer magicians. Flash Dice: Give one of the dice to the spectator and ask him or her to set it on the table with any number they wish facing up. You put the other five dice in the box with random numbers facing up, place the lid on the box, and shake. When you lift the lid, all the dice will show their chosen number. Tenyo, the most common question comes from customers who have just purchased Dynamic Coins. The props for this trick are machined with such precision that it is possible to hand everything out at the end of the performance without anything being discovered. Customers who bought this trick after seeing it demonstrated at a magic shop often have the misconception that they simply have to cover their coins up with the cap, and that they will disappear. After taking the props home, these same customers immediately try to cover coins up with the cap, but discover that their coins will not even fit inside of the caps. Eventually, they end up calling our offices to learn how the prop really works. Ace through 6 from a marked deck of cards, and allow your spectator to arrange these cards face-down on the table in any order he likes. As he does this, insert the six dice into the case, according to the marks that you have secretly read from the backs of the six tabled cards. Be sure to insert the dice so that they will change to match the order of the six cards after you shake the case just one time. Ask your spectator to turn the six cards face up, and then show that the dice are in a completely mixed up state. Shake the case one time, and show that the dice have magically changed to match the order of the cards on the table. If you do not want to use a marked deck, have your spectator write down the numbers 1 through 6 on a piece of paper, in any order he pleases. The following is based on that idea. In addition to the six dice that are contained within the case, you will also need to prepare one large extra die. Ask your spectator to shake the large die, and to roll it onto the table. Once you see the top face of the large die, insert the six dice into the case as explained in the instruction sheet. Next, press the fingertip of your pointer finger onto the top face of the large die, as shown in the diagram, until the spots are ingrained into your flesh. Open the lid, and show that all of the dice have changed to match the number of spots on your fingertip. While some calculators may not contain the necessary function, most calculators available today may be used. First, secretly enter "123456" into your calculator, and press the "M+" key to save this number into memory. Next, enter "111111," followed by "xx," to set a constant calculation. Finally, press "0." The display will display only the number "0," and it will appear that the calculator is simply in its reset state. As you take the calculator and shake it in your hand (or as you close its lid), secretly press the "RM" (recall memory) key. This will cause the display to read "123456" as you previously stored in the memory. Once again, shake the calculator, and secretly press the "RM" key again. Shake the calculator once, and secretly press the "=" key. This will cause the display to read "333333," thanks to the constant that we entered in the beginning. Then, show that all of the dice have also turned to all threes. The last phase of this trick may be repeated over and over again, using different numbers that your audience names. Tenyo, a Japanese company founded in 1960 that has gained a cult following among amatuer magicians. Flash Dice: Give one of the dice to the spectator and ask him or her to set it on the table with any number they wish facing up. You put the other five dice in the box with random numbers facing up, place the lid on the box, and shake. When you lift the lid, all the dice will show their chosen number. They are covered by the lid and shaken. Magically, the dice can be changed to different order by your command. Finally, the spectator picks out one of the six dices on the table. The remaining are replaced into the case and shaken once again. It seemed at first like it would be a waste of time to get it, but once you hit that "sweet spot", the effect is 100% with a little bit of practice. The effect is pretty startling visually and looks exactly how you see it in the demos. The great thing is that it is 100% examinable - I usually take out two or three dice afterwards and use it for another effect. They are covered by the lid and shaken. Magically, the dice can be changed to different order by your command. Finally, the spectator picks out one of the six dices on the table. The remaining are replaced into the case and shaken once again.

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