HO SRT High Performance Slot Cars (MANY OPTIONS) by AFX Racing

high performance slot cars


SRT are High Performance Electric HO Scale Slot Racing Cars from AFX Racing that feature innovative parts. See pictures below. Select from Drop down menu when ordering. These armature brushes are designed to be kinder on your armature com and still give you power on demand. Robert Bianchi came on board as the new co-owner.  Bob is also a long time 1:32 slot car racer who enjoys working with people.  Unlike most distributors and retailers who offer 1/32 slot car products, we are passionate 1/32 racers who race regularly. Clover Leaf Racing to develop "Quick Slicks" high-performance silicone racing tires.  Our products are used extensively by many club and proxy race participants and have been used to help set at least 4 world records for 1/32 endurance racing. Tomy AFX Super G-Plus cars are currently the fastest available in box stock form. They cost a few dollars more than other HO slot cars such as the Mattel Tyco and Life-Like cars, but I feel it is money well spent. Parts are plentiful and available worldwide. They require very little in the way of maintenance. A good selection of turn radius sections and straight lengths make is possible to build a very interesting layout using this track. The way track sections are joined makes for good electrical conductivity and smooth racing. Tomy AFX track is very well made and should last for many years. Parma controllers are by far the best replacement controllers made. Parma manufactures several styles of controllers specifically designed for HO scale slot car racing. BSRT high-performance racing parts are some of the best available. BSRT parts are available to improve the performance of box stock cars as well as all-out super-modified racers. They paint them the colour they wish and apply Pattos Place’s famous decals to complete the effect. HO Slot Car Product of the Year upon it's release, the G-Jet has become the most popular product to hit the HO slot car racing scene in decades. While the quality and speed of today’s high-performance G3 magnet cars more than satisfied the high-end HO enthusiast, the lineup of entry-level offerings from the “toy manufacturers” was sadly lacking. There was no serious entry-level car for the novice racer wanting to get started in this hobby. Some cars are great out of the box, others need some attention to get running properly. The rear tyres will become round over time, but to ensure all your power is going to the track, place sandpaper beneath the rear wheels, apply full power and apply gentle pressure until the tyres are nice and round. Once the tyres are nice and round, you will notice the outside edge of the tyre is square, a light sanding of this will help the car slide more gracefully. To true front tyres follow the same routine as with truing the front wheels. Ultimately you want to be able to hold the chassis and rock the body with no interference. Car racing is all about practice and the good old trial and error method. The Scalextric designers have developed a particular talent for using traction magnets to increase their cars' cornering limits while still allowing the cars to be driven in a realistic manner. Since the company moved production to China several years ago Scalextric cars have led the industry in quality and out-of-the box performance and reliability.

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