Live Music: Tumbling Dice

tumbling dice band chicago


No matter who you are, where you live, or your taste in music, you know The Rolling Stones and their 50 years of hit music. Naperville Ribfest, 115 Bourbon Street, Tom Kelly's St Pats Fest, J.W. Hollstein’s, Wise Fools Pub, and the Foundry. Glowing audience reaction and praise is the truest testament to Tumbling Dice’s formidable live appearances. Rolling Stones band in the Chicagoland area, Tumbling Dice captures the raw, energetic sound of the Rolling Stones when they were a bunch of young, hellraising rock 'n rollers in the sixties and seventies. Jeff on lead guitar is as smooth as they come and really nails the Mick Taylor feel of the Stones at their greatest. Having been a litigator for over twelve years, He has a considerable amount of experience analyzing contracts, interpreting laws and negotiating on behalf of my clients. Rolling Stones, the eternal drummer Charlie Watts kept things swinging. Stones still flirt with the songs as if they just started dating. Shelter.” Veteran blues singer Taj Mahal, who accompanied the Stones during their 1968 film “The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus,” strolled on stage to perform a fierce “Six Days on the Road” while thrashing his guitar. Mick Taylor, the Stones lead guitarist during their halcyon early ‘70s, added to the six-string muscle on the blues opera “Midnight Rambler,” with a frenzied Jagger peeling off dance moves like James Brown with the jitters. Wood and Richards like to keep each other guessing, darting in and out by feel rather than prescription.

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