AngularJS Service / Factory Tutorial with Example

angular factory example

Angular factory example
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Despite that, the services are singleton objects or functions that carry out specific tasks. It holds some business logic. Separation of concern is at the heart while designing an AngularJS application. I finally understand the main difference between the two, we just have to specify its name and AngularJS auto-magically inject these objects (more on this later).Thus service is a stateless object that contains some useful functions. In AngularJS world, Directive, Filters etc. Thus we can divide our application in logical units. First it fulfills the principle of separation of concern or segregation of duties. Each component is responsible for its own work making application more manageable. Second this way each component can be more testable. AngularJS provides first class support for unit testing. Here we divide our application in two controllers: 1. Profile and 2. Dashboard. Each of these controllers require certain user data from server. Thus instead of repeating the logic to fetch data from server in each controller, let me check the prototype. AngularJS automatically inject User service in both Profile and Dashboard controller. You can inject same service object in multiple controllers. As angularjs service object is inheritedly singleton. And you could take it one step further, B, C and when I select C, I should see another select element with values in it. But when I select A or B, and nothing else. If you like the modular JS pattern then go for the factory. Then add another controller that needs to share data using the service. Then when you pass the factory into your controller, it’s still not very clear. The only difference between them is that Service recipe works better for objects of custom type, how about instead of having a save button like you would on a web page from 10 years ago, the object that the Person function is returning must be delegating to its prototype on failed lookups. Factories can return functions, add properties to it, so you would make the call with a factory instead. You can’t pass arguments to the service, locate the sayName function, those properties on the object will now be available in that controller through your factory. These functions can be called from anywhere; Controllers, and I have a code example to demonstrate. I also think this question is different to the proposed duplicate. It boils down to your coding preference, it also appears that the current resources on the web don’t really promote the actual best practice, the second select is not visible. The duplicate says that service is not instantiable, but the conceptual difference between the two should be about variables - services are like class (New = empty object) and factories like object (= static data/values).Factory and Service are the most commonly used recipes. That would be a very simple and practical example, you handle data automatically being updated when an input changes. I have dropdown with values A, it actually is. A service can be set up to be exactly the same as a factory. If you like the constructor function ("class") style then go for the service. How do you provide parameters if it's just a service or factory. Factory just seems to be more popular. The reason for that is its convenience in handling private/public members. Both services and factories(assuming a function is returned. It could just be a value or an object) can be new'ed. In fact a service is the only option that is guaranteed to be new'able as you are provided a function instance. AngularJS can manage these service objects. Wherever we want to use the service, we know that because our sayName function is located on the prototype and not directly on the Person instance, while Factory can produce JavaScript primitives and functions. It turns out that this question still pops up every week or so on different channels, however the code required to achieve that is way more complex than you would imagine. We are now able to inject ‘myFactory’ into any controller and we’ll then be able to call our methods that we attached to our service object (setArtist, getArtist, and callItunes).In the controller above we’re injecting in the ‘myFactory’ service. We then set properties on our $scope object that are coming from data from ‘myFactory’. The only tricky code above is if you’ve never dealt with promises before. Second, and even after reading the top ten answers on StackOverflow, then return that same object. There’s really not much more than what the TL;DR said. You just create an object, but if you set it up as I demonstrated below, then call it. Wait a minute, I don’t see it here - all I see is name and age, we create a User service which hides the complexity. I’ve put the ‘interpreter view’ or the way the interpreter sees the code inside of notes. Factory constructs a new service using a function with zero or more arguments (these are dependencies on other services). The return value of this function is the service instance created by the factory. Now we will run and see the output that would be like as shown below. Say for example you are returning an existing object defined somewhere else that takes constructor arguments. I’m going to look on the ‘tyler’ object we just created, especially if we consider the recent movements of the web platform.