UNIX / Linux chmod Command Examples

chmod 777 example

Chmod 777 example
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Yes very right that the -R option in chmod command makes the files/ sub-directories under the given directory will get 777 permission. But generally its not a good practice to give 777 to all files and dirs as it can lead to data in-security. Try to be very specific on giving the all rights to all files and directories. The first digit is for user permissions, second is for group and third is for others permission. While the other answers give the 'solution' to the problem, you would need to know what the permissions are currently set to to be sure that you do not modify the permissions in some other way besides what you intended. I can definitely understand wanting your development side to be easily accessible so you can work more quickly. This type of representation is called octal representation. Alternatively, that he is not foolish enough to do this with a production server. I’ve always used “find -type d -exec …” for this. I’m a little confused about your note, though. If you want to have a combination of permissions add the required numbers. If you used the octal representation, this one explains how a typical folder structure should be setup. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt, you can use the symbolic representation to give the permissions. This article is a sequential of last two articles if you have missed last two articles we suggest you to review them before going through this first. Together, both features prevent other users from altering or replacing any file you have in a public directory. The only information they can gain from the file is its name and attributes.