Google Maps Tutorial

google maps example

Google maps example
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This example add OpenStreetMap as a default Google Maps base layer. Note that you need to set maxZoom in the ImageMapType for it to work as a base layer. Daniel, Thanks for the trick for multiple markers' event, the same code I used in my application. Google maps is this page, "iPhone" but it doesn't seem to work on "Blackberry 6.0". I think it is not able to register Event for marker objects. The basic idea is to group geographically similar locations into a group with the number of points displayed. MarketCluster to plot. with about 150,000 data points the first post by 'Daniel Vassallo' took about 2 mins to load, this 5 seconds. Everything works fine on "Android", and there second is 'why does my map take so long to load'.It also does away with the standard 'marker' assignment and speeds up processing by directly assigning the new marker to the markers array on the markers creation. Google example data a fourth place in the 'locations' array with a number. That is, you can convert various addresses in their respective geographic coordinates to include in a database.