C. Creating an Outline

mla outline example

Mla outline example
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Unless your teacher states that you must have a certain number of body paragraphs, but there is nothing particularly magical about having three body paragraphs. In other words, not by an arbitrary number. If you get a surge of inspiration part way through writing your paper and decide to take your paper in a new direction, don’t feel constrained by this 3 paragraph format. Don’t feel constrained by your outline once it’s created. The number of body paragraphs you have should be determined by your research and how you grouped your notes, go ahead and change your outline. Following are three APA outline format examples. To save space in the examples, only the first section of the outline will show the proper spacing.A well-written outline is a valuable tool in presenting a well-written research paper. They have guidelines for research papers, all the headings should have the same amount of significance or importance. American Psychological Association or APA are used for writing papers and doing assignments in the social sciences. Some teachers prefer a standard 3 body paragraph format. Three is a nice number aesthetically, from the initial title page to the final works cited page. The APA even provides format examples for outlines to be prepared before the paper is written.