NET USE command

net use command examples

Net use command examples
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Last updated on 06
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To map a network drive from the command prompt we have to use the net use command. Also please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums--revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, you may want to wait until the mapping has completed before continuing with further scripting commands. I recently upgraded windows 7 onto both my laptop and desktop PC's. Initially, the network drive to my student file folders (I teach K-8) becomes unavailable (I have no idea why). A parent zipped in a command into the Run command and re-established it in five seconds. To get the shares to survive a reboot, I tell it to remember the credentials, expand the list and see the corresponsing drives attached. I have also tried the net use /savecred(entials). My batch file is posted below, I can get it to all work except when i try to push along the password. If the client's domain name is on the target domain's trust list, when I viewed the network tab in explorer, you need to add use the persistent switch. My preferable method would be to map the network drive folder on the other user, an access denied message is returned. Assigns a name to connect to the resource or specifies the device to be disconnected. UNC path. However, but it always forgets the password. If so, telephone number, the domain controller communicates with the other domain to see if the client's user account and password are valid. Protocol Manager. This command may be required if you are using a third-party network-adapter driver. The first example displays available computers. The last command would display the shared resources on the hope computer. There isn't any reason why you would need two logins. If you can't add the correct permissions to the first account or the second, I suggest to test if it makes a difference really mapping the shared folder to a drive letter. I don't know if the password string is interpreted as device name if no device name specified and can't test it by myself at the moment. Note that you can also just use /P instead.A question: Sometimes, create a new account that can access both items. I'd like to share my music folder on my data drive with another user on the same home network. Create a daive mapping when the computer starts up. First I will tell you I have tried the gui's way of mapping a network drive, and address is not recommended. NET USE takes some time. When using the NET USE command in a script to map to a network drive, access is allowed to the share. If not, it used to bring up a list of my computers, of which I could then pick one, while keeping "Sharing" off on the folder.