Smaller, faster, plug-in TV Tuner card for your laptop

expresscard 34 slot tv tuner


While we strive to provide the most accurate and timely stock and availability information, availability information may become out of date and may change between the time you added an item to cart and the time your order is received. ExpressCard slot, PCTV Hybrid  ExpressCard is the most portable solution to enjoy digital terrestrial and analogue TV on your laptop. The included TVCenter Pro software turns your PC into a remote-controlled multimedia jukebox with PVR. Record directly in DivX format compatible with most portable media players. DVB-T reception is depending on location and might be impaired by thick or steel-enforced walls, and high neighboring buildings. In such environments, an outdoor / roof-top DVB-T antenna is required. Mobile reception of DVB-T, e.g. in a car or train, is in general not possible. ExpressCard slot, PCTV Hybrid  ExpressCard is the most portable solution to enjoy digital terrestrial and analogue TV on your laptop. The included TVCenter Pro software turns your PC into a remote-controlled multimedia jukebox with PVR. Record directly in DivX format compatible with most portable media players. DVB-T reception is depending on location and might be impaired by thick or steel-enforced walls, and high neighboring buildings. In such environments, an outdoor / roof-top DVB-T antenna is required. Mobile reception of DVB-T, e.g. in a car or train, is in general not possible. ExpressCard slot, PCTV Hybrid  ExpressCard is the most portable solution to enjoy digital terrestrial and analogue TV on your laptop. The included TVCenter Pro software turns your PC into a remote-controlled multimedia jukebox with PVR. Record directly in DivX format compatible with most portable media players. DVB-T reception is depending on location and might be impaired by thick or steel-enforced walls, and high neighboring buildings. In such environments, an outdoor / roof-top DVB-T antenna is required. Mobile reception of DVB-T, e.g. in a car or train, is in general not possible. I'm looking for something to enable the output of the ExpressCard 34 (which has the same form factor as the output of the ExpressCard 54) to be connected with the input of the ExpressCard slot inside the system. Inspiron 6400 notebook and I found that it has an Express Card Slot in it in which some cards can be inserted. TV tuner to my laptop. Can anyone tell if there is any kind of a TV Tuner card present in market that can be attached into this so called Express Card Slot. I have seen a kind of TV tuner on AverMedia's website which can be attached to laptops. Has any body ever heard of an express card that has 2 sound output jacks which could provide a 4-channel surround sound output. The sound card of my desktop computer provides a 4- channel surround sound and that feels amazing while listening. Will I ever be able to attach something like that to my laptop.

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