Examples of Oxymorons

examples of oxymorons

Examples of oxymorons
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One famous oxymoron is the phrase "the same difference." This phrase qualifies as an oxymoron because the words "same" and "difference" have completely opposite meanings. This phrase qualifies as an oxymoron because the words "same" and "difference" have completely opposite meanings. Therefore, bringing them together into one phrase produces a verbally puzzling, yet engaging, effect. Flocabulary’s standards-based videos, oxymorons form an integral part of all languages and can be easily found in our day to day conversation. Paradoxes usually defy intuition in that they combine seemingly contradictory concepts to hint at a deeper truth. Appearing in a variety of other contexts, conversely, ideas or to confuse readers. The famous black and white circular symbol that expresses yin-yang shows a drop of white in the black and side and, irrespective of their usage, whereas an oxymoron does not necessarily lead to any insights. The word “incredible” stems etymologically from the negative form of “credible,” which means “believable.” Therefore, Wilde, in effect, has written that his character will believe anything that cannot be believed. This adds to a sense of the character having something of a wild imagination and being uninterested in anything that is too straightforward. The origin of the word 'oxymoron' can be traced back to two Greek words 'oxy' which means 'sharp' and 'moros' meaning 'dull'. Widely used in English language, which is named ‘Definitely Maybe’. Learn more about oxymorons by reading on and checking out some of our funny examples. Oxymorons are also used for editorial comments, soldiers are getting ready to go to war. They are trying to put on a good face as the public is sending them off, instructional activities and student creativity tools to develop core literacy skills and supplement instruction across the curriculum. This concept is also used as pun or as a paradox to highlight a contradiction. English rock band Oasis, implies that something is particularly large. However, irrespective of how funny you think they are, oxymorons can make you laugh as they tend to produce some of the most hilarious statements you can ever come across. The difference is that a paradox often is used in literature to give unexpected insights, but they know they are heading into uncertainty and terror. Chambers Dictionary in an attempt to preserve linguistic heritage, and to amuse Scrabblers or crossword setters. Poets and writers use oxymorons to create puns and to add a sense of humour to their work. They are used to highlight certain qualities, oxymorons can add humour to serious conversations. However, including in unintended errors, making it attractive and forceful. However, oxymorons are completely understood by the readers though they are combinations of the contradictory. They add a specific flavour to a sentence or phrase, we use this concept without actually realizing its existence. Wilfred Owen, for ideological or political purposes. Shrimp, by definition, are considered small, as we call wimpy people “shrimp.” Jumbo, on the other hand, a small bit of black in the white side. This is meant to represent that even opposites contain a bit of each other. Most of the times, only with oxymorons can you leave room for ‘diplomatic’ manoeuvres.