Straight Poker Hand

low end straight poker


A straight is a poker hand which contains five consecutively ranked cards of at least two different suits. If two straights are present in the same hand, the pot will be awarded to the player with the higher ranked straight. A Holdem board will often have several possible straight combinations. Since it is possible that there will be different straights of different rankings, players may need to describe how their straight ranks against other possible straights. The “bottom end” refers to the low end of a straight. There are also “middle” straights, and “top end” or “nut” straights. All poker games using traditional high hands recognize the wheel as a straight, except "Deuce to Seven" (aka "Kansas City") lowball. A-high, but losing to K-high.I once played pai-gow poker, A pit game where your playing against the house, I had a king high straight, the dealer had a wheel, they said the wheel won because it was ace high. I just left and never played the game again. For example- 8,6,2,4,10 is an even straight. Also, an ace (value of 1) can either be used as a "high end" or a "low end," meaning if it can either be 1 or 14 depending on the other cards. I'm having trouble sorting the value of the cards in an array in ascending order because we can't use the .sort method in this project. It doesn't make sense to me. I realized as soon as I started writing the code that I needed to check if any card was being repeated.

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